3rd Round Table Inter Faith Dialogue Conference held in Kashmir

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar | WTNS | Oct 17: A renewed commitment to the cultivation of human brotherhood and communal harmony in the Kashmir Valley was affirmed on the occasion of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (peace be upon him) in an inter -faith “ Better Humanity Conference” the meeting was organised by the President Agha Syed Hasan Al-Musawi Al-Safvi , who also holds its chairmanship.

As per the reports of Wilayat Times, the Conference was attended by various dignitaries belonging to different religions and sects they put forth the valuable discourses on the myriad aspects of the humanist life of our Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, the philanthropist. For the promotion of interfaith brotherhood, Iranian Cleric and representative of Supreme Leader for Bangladesh Hujat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimeen Syed Dr. Mahdi Alizadeh Mosavi, representative of Mirwaiz Kashmir, Maulana Syed Rehman Sham, Maulana Khurshid Ahmed Kanoongu, representative of Ameer Karwan-e-Islami, Dr. Qadir Jeelani, Christian pastors Paul and John Phillips, Imam Khomeini Trust Kargil, Hujat-ul-Islam Sheikh Shakri, Harbans Singh belonging to the Sikh religion, Mehit Bhan belonging to the Hindu religion,  Muhammad Maruf Shah etc. are included while Mirwaiz Kashmir and President of the Mutahida Majlis-e-Ulema Mirwaiz Dr. Molvi Muhammad Umar Farooq, Hujat-ul-Islam Allama Amin Shahedi , Chairman Save Sharada Committee Ravinder Pandita, well-known columnist Sudhindra Kulkarni expressed their views through video messages.

At the end of the conference, a unanimous resolution was passed, which was fully supported by the attendees. It will continue to play its effective role in promoting human values, human brotherhood and communal tolerance in the Kashmir Valley and will work for the prevention of all the motives that undermine the ideals of mutual brotherhood and inter-faith unity in Kashmir. Expressing a strong reaction against the government’s decision of free sale and purchase of alcohol in the Kashmir Valley, the resolution said that this government’s move will destroy the future of the new generation of Kashmir and human dignity here. And a deliberate rejection of decency The resolution said that an effort is being made to silence the mihrab and minbar in the Kashmir Valley against the house arrest of Mirwaiz and the President of the MMU. Participants also called for in the resolution to open the Sharda temple for devotees and till there.