
West’s moral, political failures most important issue in w...

( Iran )

Tehran | WTNS | July 06:Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, issued a message to the Union of the Islamic Students Associations in Europe and America on July 5, 2024. The following is the text of this message. In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful Dear students! Your deep-rooted, reputable union, along with the continuation of its activities, is a promising phenomenon. This collective presence – in its own capacity – can play a role...

Leader`s Hajj message:Gaza Crisis Demands Immediate Attentio...

( Iran )

Tehran| WTNS | June 15:The tragedies in Gaza, which are unparalleled in our contemporary history, along with the audacity of the ruthless Zionist regime, which is the embodiment of cruelty and villainy, and of course the declining state of Zionism, leave no room for any consideration or tolerance by any individual, party, government or Muslim denomination. According to Wilayat Times,The following is the full text of the message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, to the...

Leader to pro-Palestinian US students: You’re standing on ...

( Iran )

Tehran | WTNS | May 30:Praising American university students for their support for Palestine and condemnation of Israeli atrocities in Gaza, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the students are standing on the right of side of history today. Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei wrote a letter addressed to American university students following their courageous defense of the Palestinian people. “You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in...

Supreme Leader: Iranian nation lost ‘sincere, valuable...

( Iran )

Tehran | WTNS | May 20: Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has extended his condolences to the Iranian nation over the martyrdom of President Ebrahim Raeisi and his companions in a helicopter crash. In a message on Monday, the Leader announced five days of national mourning. Ayatollah Khamenei said he received the bitter news of the martyrdom of the popular, competent and hardworking president and his companions with great sorrow. The Leader noted that the tragic incident...

Supreme Leader: Israel made mistake, will be ‘punished...


Tehran | WTNS |April 10: Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the Israeli regime “must be punished and will be punished” for its deadly strike on the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital of Damascus. Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks during a speech at Imam Khomeini’s Grand Mosalla in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Wednesday after leading the Eid al-Fitr prayers, which marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan. The Leader pointed to the Israeli...

Supreme Leader:The terrorist attack in Kerman will be met wi...

( Iran )

Tehran | WTNS | Jan 05: Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei, has issued a message following the martyrdom of a number of pilgrims who were martyred in a terrorist attack while en route to the tomb of Martyr General Soleimani in Kerman’s Garden of Martyrs on January 3, 2024. The following is the text of this message. In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful The evil, criminal enemies of the Iranian nation have once again created a tragedy and martyred...

If Zionist regime’s crimes continue, resistance forces can...

( Iran )

Tehran| WTNS | Sep 24:In a meeting with a group of academic elites and outstanding scientific talents, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the current events in Palestine a clear crime of the Zionist regime and an open genocide that is taking place in front of the world. The meeting took place in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on October 17, 2023. During the meeting, Imam Khamenei said, “The officials of some countries have voiced their protest in their conversations with our officials...

Ayatollah Khamenei: Hajj can foil all plots of arrogant powe...

( Saudi Arab )

Srinagar | WTNS | June 28:Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the annual Hajj rituals can foil all the plots of the arrogant powers and the Zionists against humanity. In a Tuesday message to the 2023 Hajj pilgrimage, the Leader said the rituals can render ineffective all the plans of the arrogant powers and Zionism aimed at the moral downfall of humanity at the current time and future. Ayatollah Khamenei added that the arrogant powers and Zionism are targeting...

Imam Khamenei:Be friends with the Allah from your early yout...

( Iran )

Tehran | WTNS | Feb 04:The following is the full text of the speech delivered by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in a Taklif Celebration for a number of schoolgirls on the eve of the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (pbuh), February 3, 2023. In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful My dear children! First of all, the anthem you sang together was wonderful. Both the poem was good, and its melody was good. And you sang it well. I congratulate you on this Taklif Celebration....

Imam Khamenei:Sufferings of Islamic Ummah caused by “d...

( Iran )

Tehran | WTNS | Oct 15:Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei called for unity among Muslims on Friday morning while receiving a host of Iranian officials and guests of the 36th International Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran. The following is the full text of the speech delivered by Imam Khamenei during a meeting with guests participating in the 36th Islamic Unity Conference and government official on the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet and Imam Sadiq (pbut) on October...