Al-Saud are exporter, supporter and financer of terrorism in world:Molvi Imran Ansari

wilayattimes (Kashmir)

Srinagar:President All J&K Shia Association & State Minister for Youth Services and Sports Molvi Imran Raza Ansari has condemned in strong words the state murder of Sheikh Ayatollah Baqir Nimr al Nimr by “tyrant regime of Saud family, the exporter, supporter and financer of terrorism in world.”

In a statement to Wilayat Times,Molvi Imran Ansari said that “Nimr’s only crime was peaceful protest against tyrant rule of Saudi family regime devoid of any respect for human rights.

“This murder is a deliberate attempt on the behest and orders of anti Muslim Islamophobic Zionism to create unrest and animosity among peaceful Muslims. We mourn the martyrdom of Ayatollah Nimr and offer condolence to whole Muslim world and his family. We are sure he was the real follower of Ahale-bait Rasool (SAW) and his abode is Jannat al Firdous,” the Shia leader said.

He was not a shia nor a sunni he was a peace activist who stood against the Saudi regieme and apposesd the Israeli American policies but Saudi government didn’t tolerate and Hanged Ayatullah sheikh al nimr despite repeated calls by international human rights bodies.