Arbaeen observed across Jammu and Kashmir

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar | WTNS | Sep 18: Thousands of people on Saturday observed the Chehlum or Arbaeen of the martyrs of Karbala by taking out processions and holding Majlis in different parts of Jammu and Kashmir.

Scores of Shia mourners fly down to different venues to remember the martyrs of Karbala, these rendezvous marks include Budgam , Bemina  , Hasaanabad Chatabal Budibugh Baramulla , Sonpah Budgam and in other places.

Notably, The occasion is observed 40-days after Ashura – the commemoration of the martyrdom of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Hussain, in the Battle of Karbala, which took place in 680 AD on the 10th day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar.

As per the reports of Wilayat Times, In Budgam Under the banner of J&K Anjuman-e-Sharia Shian flashbacking the unquestionable gravity of the movement  Arbaeen two main processions were taken out in central district’s Budgam and in Srinagar at Zaildar Mohalla under the leadership of Hujatul Islam Wal Muslimeen  Agha Syed Hassan Al Mousvi Al Safvi.

The Procession started from Astan Shrief Budgam and halted at the ancestral Imam Bargah Budgam. In Srinagar the procession witnessed tens and thousands mourners which started from Zaildar Mohalla and halted at Imam Bargah Hassanabad.

Preaching about the historical importance and about the devotional loyalties of Arbaeen devotes Agha Syed Hassan Al Mousvi Al Safvi said that  “On the same day, two chosen companions of the Prophet, Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari (RA) and Hazrat Yahiya Barmaki (RA) entered Karbala with their relatives.  He performed the pilgrimage of the martyrs of Karbala (AS) .

They premeditated to stark the realities of oppressions done of Yazid and his devilish parliament, by initiating the process of mourning and by following the pilgrimage of martyrs of Karbala.

Agha further said that the mission of Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari (RA) and Hazrat Yahiya Barmaki (RA) has strengthened to incalculable mourners every years the toll seems swollen and this year on the occasion of Chelum the world’s biggest gathering so far is being organised and we call it “A devotional journey” Safar-e-Ishq. The journey of love is related to the mission of Imam Hussain (AS) to humanity, that is the reason why people of all religions are joining this caravan of love.

To monitor the situation officials of civil administration and police visited various places and ensured all possible arrangements and facilities for devotee.