Qom:Grand Ayatollah Safi Gulpaigani in his Message regarding Ayam-i-Fatimiyah said that Hazrat Fatima Zehra (Pbuh) not only the role model for women but also the honor for whole mankind and all lovers of freedom and liberation.
Lady Fatima (Pbuh) is the leader of the women in paradise and universe, equivalent to Quran and equal in terms of level of authority and divine knowledge with the infallibles.
Yes Fatimiya is Ashura, Fatimiyah is Shab e Qadr, Fatimiyah is Ghadeer and Mid Shaban and Fatimiyah is the day of success of glory over darkness.
Hazrat Sidiqa (Pbuh) is unique instantiation of Ahlebayat (A.S) and Progeny,according to verse regarding purification (Tathir) of Surah Ahzab,Hazrat Zehra is pure and clean from all kinds of squalor’s, desiring’s and ignorance.
Fatimiyah;the history, Fatimiyah;the call over the heads of oppressors, Fatimiyah;the strive of truth against falsehood and Fatimiyah;the universal day of divine government of Imam Mehdi (Atfs)
Yes Fatimiya is Ashura, Fatimiyah is Shab e Qadr, Fatimiyah is Ghadeer and Mid Shaban and Fatimiyah is the day of success of glory over darkness.
Resistance and steadfastness of Fatima for Wilayat of Amir-ul-Momineen is the lesson for everyone.