Bemina-Budgam Road a hard track picture full of bumps and jumps,ditches and sumps.

Narrates a tale of gross negligence.

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar | Mir Arshid | July 25:Residents of Budgam and Bemina expressed dismay and allege government’s apathy over the dilapidated condition of 11 kilometre Bemina-Budgam road which connects the Budgam district with Srinagar.

People are facing tremendous hardships due to the sheer negligence of Roads and Building department ( R&B) who have otherwise developed a fiasco in repairing the road.

According to locals, the road is worn out with ditches and sumps which has made the road a death trap, the road is denied to be macadamized by the concerned authorities

While expressing their resentment against the authorities, the locals said that ”despite repeated attempts to R&B officials, our voices and problems remained unseen and unheard” they said .

Aijaz Hussain Ganie, a local resident told Wilayat Times that “they are facing acute problems while traveling from Budgam to Bemina as road is in dilapidated condition from past two years.

“The road is just 10-11 kilometers from city and some portion of the area falls also under Srinagar Municipal Corporation (SMC) but they have turned deaf ears to the issue,” he said.

Ganie said the transporters are facing hardships in order to reach other destinations. During emergencies, the residents have choose alternative roads to reach the destination, he added.

The vitality of the road has been unnoticed by the concerned department, this road connects many areas with Srinagar ,which includes Mirgund, Reshipora , Khomeini Chowk ,Sebden and Bemina with Srinagar.

Notably ,the road is easy approachable for the residents to the valley’s leading hospital and medical college Sher-i-Kashmir institute of medical Sciences Bemina “SKIMS”, Degree college Budgam , Higher Secondary Schools and an Islamic oriental college Jamia Babul-ilm Mirgund Budgam.

School and college goers are facing nerve wracking maladies , who miss their classes due to the worst conditions of the road.

Adil Yattoo a student who told Wilayat Times that “ we often miss our early classes at college as the snaky move of vehicles turns minutes journey into hours”.

He further said” critically wounded and sick patients often die on road before reaching to the hospital” he added.

“We have approached many times for higher authorities but nothing came right even ever.

People of the area have appealed the Lieutenant Governor led administration and Chief Engineer Road and Buildings Department to look into the matter, so that the road gets macadamized.