
Bloody Yemen raid betrays evil nature of world bullies:Imam ...
( Iran )
Tehran:Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has deplored the Saudi-led military offensive to seize Yemen’s lifeline port, saying the US-backed assault is yet another indicator of the evil nature of bullying powers. Ayatollah Khamenei said Wednesday that the “bloody” and “criminal” attacks against Hudaydah by a number of countries possessing advanced weapons and with an aim to strip the Yemeni people of their control over a vital seaport “is another example...

The calamity of Imam Ali’s (a.s.) martyrdom, didn’t ...
( ٰIran )
Tehran:As for today’s martyrdom anniversary, this martyrdom is not a tragedy that took place during a specific period of time, the memory of which we are shedding tears to: this is a tragedy for all times. The tragedy of martyring the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) – “I swear to God that the foundations of guidance have been annihilated” – did not inflict a loss only for that era, rather it inflicted a heavy loss for all history to come. Twenty five years before that martyrdom, Fatima...

Young Palestinians are among the smartest, most resistant yo...
( Iran )
Tehran:Today, heads of the usurper regime and their American supporters wishfully think Palestine and its people will be crushed; however, Palestine and their nation will persist: the Palestinian flag will be raised high thanks to the efforts of young Palestinians.September 17, 1997 A big fallacy which has taken control of the minds of some persons concerning the problem of Palestine is that a country named Israel is a 60-year old reality with which one has to reconcile. I do not know why these people...

Without Hazrat Khadijah’s support, Islam’s progr...
( Iran )
Tehran:Lady Khadijah spent all her wealth on a mission that involved inviting people to Islam and spreading the religion. Her mission is known to those who have experienced the role of offering financial support during times of combat and extreme pressures. Possibly, without the support of Lady Khadijah (a.s.), the movement or progression of Islam could have been disrupted to a great extent. The mere fact of believing in the prophet (PBUH) is extremely valuable and important: the first believers...

Muslims should utilize Ramadan to achieve glory and dignity:...
( Iran )
Tehran:Muslim nations can utilize the month of Ramadan and event of Eid ul-Fitr as instruments to achieve glory and dignity. They can use them as ladders to climb towards spiritual and material improvement, towards dignity in this world and in the next. Muslim nations can utilize the month of Ramadan and event of Eid ul-Fitr as instruments to achieve glory and dignity. They can use them as ladders to climb towards spiritual and material improvement, towards dignity in this world and in the next....

Palestine will be definitely liberated and America cannot do...
( Iran )
Tehran:On the first day of the auspicious month of Ramadan, an assembly of Quran recitation commenced at the Hussayniyeh of Imam Khomeini with the Leader of the Islamic Revolution— Ayatollah Khamenei— in attendance.
The following are the statements his eminence made at this meeting:
The calamity that has befallen on some Muslim societies is due to ignoring Quran. Look at Palestine where dozens have been killed and injured. Some people complain why the US does not take a stance against it....

Mr.Trump:You are making a damn mistake:Imam Khamenei...
( Iran )
Tehran:”Last night you heard that the US president made silly and superficial remarks. There were maybe more than 10 lies in his comments. He threatened both the establishment and the nation, saying he will do this and that,” pointed out Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a meeting with a number of teachers and university professors in Tehran on Wednesday. “Mr. Trump I tell you on behalf of the Iranian nation: You are making a damn mistake.”Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the...

I hope oppressed nations like Kashmir, Iraq, Syria , Afghani...
( Iran )
Tehran:On the anniversary of day of Muhammad’s (PBUH) appointment to prophethood (Eid al-Mab’ath), a group of government officials and Muslim states’ ambassadors to Iran met with Ayatollah Khamenei—the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution—this morning, April 14, 2018.
Ayatollah Khamenei slammed the attack on Syria launched by the United States, Britain and France, and asserted: This morning’s attack on Syria is a crime. I firmly declare that the U.S. president, the president...

Nowruz is the day when Dajjal will be killed by Imam Mahdi: ...
( Iran )
Tehran:The day Dajjal is to be killed by Imam Mahdi (as), in the final era of time, that day is Nowruz. Even, according to some narrations, the day Adam (as) descended on Earth was on Nowruz. Nowruz means a new day in the history of mankind and a new state in the life of humankind. What matters is our intentions and actions [during Nowruz]. Nowruz has always meant a new day and a new state. With regards to nature, the first day of Aries–which is used to indicate the beginning of spring–is...

By promoting Hijab, Islam prevents abusing women:Imam Khamen...
( Iran )
Tehran:During the auspicious birth anniversary of Lady Fatima Zahra’s—the mother of the Imams—a group of panegyrists and eulogists of Al uhl-bayt from across the nation met with Ayatollah Khamenei this morning, March 8, 2018. In this meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei spoke of Islamic ideals regarding women and stated: “The woman, as a role model, is represented by a complete framework in Islamic ideology. The woman is with faith and chastity; she is responsible for the most important part...