Within the recent past the government of India revised the Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Raj Act 1989 to Ignite the political engine to move on the parched and ravished soils of Jammu and Kashmir what’s more let’s read it from RAHAT MATTO.
Within the recent past the government of India revised the Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Raj Act 1989 to Ignite the political engine to move on the parched and ravished soils of Jammu and Kashmir what’s more let’s read it from RAHAT MATToO.
Recently the Central Government amended the Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Raj Act 1989 to facilitate the setting up of DDC, the member of which will now be directly elected by voters in the UT.
These new amendments are evidently intended to kick start the political process in J&K. DDC’s will be the first test by Central government in Jammu and Kashmir, the first major Political activity since scrapping of Article 370 and Bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir.
DDC’s are set to become a new unit of governance in J&K. But here arises the question that people who created this mess are debating on solving it. It’s like Germans discussing of how to stop Nazism.
Now talking about Politics in J&K has a great relevance. This land has gone through a lot of history. When we talk about Politics we have to understand its basic meaning.
“POLITICS is not just about POWER, it means GOOD POLICY MAKING”, it means to operate the state according to the Constitution. “But the condition of our generation is that we don’t even read our history well. We think that Politics is just a Power. The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. Most of the time we decide/prefer to stay away from Politics, but is it really possible? Even If we are sitting anywhere, all of us are a part of politics some or the other way. A lot of us are complaining about the problems in the economy, bad roads, worse hospital conditions, lack of education system etc. If we go to any office no one attends us, why ? Because again even though we are not a part of politics, we need to get our work done. All that work is not getting done because Politics is bad, decision making is bad. So to keep up all that what we need , we need a better Governance.
It is not important that we must follow GERONTOCRACY. We must have to think about change and this change is showing effect in J&K , as youth is participating in DDC Elections. Politics is as good as any other career we are looking at. We are not class 3 people we are class 1 people but we are victimized by class 3 governance. Yes i am not denying the fact that there is dirt in politics, but the only thing which we can do is get into it stay clean and do our part. As all of us are fully aware that how much frustrated our youth is about governance. We saw it with that Anna Hazare agitation in Ramleela Maidan, we saw that in Nirbhaya’s protests etc.
In our country majority of the youth will be participating in the voting process to elect majority of the senior citizens to go into the Parliament house. If we search in Google “Young Politicians of India” we will hardly get ten or twenty and list will be like Rahul Gandhi which is the only heir of Gandhi and Nehru dynasty, Jyoti Aditya Raj Scindia son of Maha Dav Scindia a veteran congress leader then you will get Omar Abdullah son of famous Abdullah’s family in Jammu and Kashmir etc and not even a single person we will find from a non political background, the teaser reality in the country today. Aged people are also as much important as young people because they are the people of experience. Good governance here is a cumbersome task.
As Jammu and Kashmir is a sensitive place , if you want to be a politician here, you will need VISION, Along with vision you need intelligence, intelligence here means possessing the caliber to analyze the situation in a proper way, because any particular move that we take as a politician, we are responsible for our citizen , we are responsible for the people who elect us and thirdly we need the knowledge of political procedures. But at some point we can see a ray of hope for good Governance as more and more educated youth with political conscious is taking part in upcoming DDC elections. It somehow marks the point that Youth of J&K want to be a part of policy making. Hence, Youth in DDC elections is a ray of hope and major role of a voter cannot be denied .So, Choose wisely today for better tomorrow.