Govt to allow home delivery of bakery on Eid, Ehsaas International distributed 300 PPE Kits among bakers

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar:The Srinagar district administration decided to allow home delivery of bakery items in Srinagar by bakery units on the even of Eid-ul-Fitr. Kashmiri volunteer group Ehsaas International distributed 300 PPE Kits among bakers during the event held at Srinagar.

Wilayat Times reports that District administration Srinagar on Friday launched a training program for bakers and confectionery manufacturers of Srinagar district on how to open and run up their units alongside ongoing pandemic Covid 19.

Deputy commissioner Srinagar Dr. Shahid Iqbal Choudhury threw the session open in presence of Sajad Ahmad Qadri, ADC and office bearers of Kashmir Bakers and Confectioners Association.

Ehsaas International was invited as partners to the event wherein Chairman of NGO, Syed Tabasum Geelani briefed about the activities of trust during covid pandemic and General Secretary of trust, Hakim Mohammad Ilyas, distributed PPE Kits among the unit holders in presence of DC & ADC Srinagar. Ehsas Internationa is among the Kashmiri volunteer groups pitched with protective gear supplies during the ongoing challenge of Covid-19.

While speaking over the gathering DC Srinagar Dr. Shahid Iqbal Choudhury said that the society has to learn to live with the virus with continual fight against it and it’s not possible to be in perpetual lockdown. We have to understand that this problem (Covid-19) is going to stay with us for some time. We all need to use collective efforts to fights against this challenge in Jamm and Kashmir.

He further said  that there would be second phase of training of the bakers with doctors and food safety officers, after which they will be certified. Their testing for Covid-19 will also be done.

Chairman Ehsaas Trust Syed Tabasum Geelani in his speech informed about the activities and efforts of Ehsaas International during present pandemic. He said that trust had manufactured more than 30,000 PPE Kits and 45,000 masks till now. He said that Ehsaas Trust is ready to give more PPE Kits to bakers on no profit no loss basis as their help to the fraternity. This will not only provide PPE to bakers at very affordable rates but will enable trust to engage tailors to stitch PPE Kits thereby helping them to earn their living with dignity and come out of dependence on charity added chairman Ehsaas trust. About 300 PPE Kits were distributed free of cost among bakers on occasion.

Ehsaas International manufactured more than 30,000 PPE Kits and 45,000 masks till now. District Administration in Srinagar going to organized  training of the bakers with doctors and food safety officers, after which they will be certified. 

As per media reports, Omar Mukhtar, president of Kashmir Bakers and Confectioners Association termed the training-cum-interaction session as quite productive and fruiful. He said we are glad that home delivery of bakery has been allowed. This will provide a great relief for both bakers as people. The rate lists are provided on the social media and we will ensure that best quality bakery will be provided at the doorsteps of customers