Hazrat Ali (Pbuh) fought for justice and fairness, didn`t surrender till last breath:Mirwaiz Umar Farooq

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar:Addressing a religious gathering at the revered shrine of Dastgeer Sahab (RA) Sarai Bala Srinagar, in connection with the Ashra-e-Najat and the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Ali (Pbuh) Head of Mutahida Majlis Ulama and APHC Chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said that Hazrat Ali (Pbuh) spent his entire life for the cause of Allah and Islam and followed the footprints of beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) till his martyrdom.

In a Statement to Wilayat Times,Mirwaiz said that Hazrat Ali (Pbuh) earned fame for being born in the house of Allah, the Khana-e-Kabba and he was also martyred in a Masjid in Koofa.

Mirwaiz said that the Hazrat Ali (Pbuh) will continue to be an inspiration for the Muslims till the Day of Judgment. He said Hazrat Ali (Pbuh) fought for justice and fairness with full might and didn’t surrender till his last breath which will be written with the golden words in the history of Islam.