Hazrat Khadija was truly the Mother of the Believers,first to accept Islam:Mirwaiz

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar: Addressing the religious gathering at the revered shrine of Hazrat Sheikh Abul Qadir Jeelani (RA) Dastgeer Sahab at Khanyar Srinagar on the eve of last day of Ashra-e-Rehmat  (10th day of Ramadhan), which also coincides with the passing away anniversary of Hazrat Khadija-tul-Kubra, Muttahida Majlise Ulema patron Mirwaiz Umar Farooq said Islam has laid great emphasis and clear guild lines  on giving equal rights to women and treating them respect and dignity. Mirwaiz said despite this it is a matter of serious concern that women are treated as inferior and shabbily in our society. He said women have to stand up for their rights and their rightful place as given to them by Islam.

Paying rich tributes Hazrat Khadija (R.A) Mirwaiz said that she was truly “The Mother of the Believers”, who was the first to accepted the Message of wisdom as it was delivered to her by prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)but also was his true and wise companion on every occasion. She was a generous lady and noble in her deeds who sacrificed her wealth and time in the rightful service of Islam.

Lady Khadija (Pbuh) was truly “The Mother of the Believers”, who was the first to accepted the Message of wisdom as it was delivered to her by prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)but also was his true and wise companion on every occasion.

Shedding light on the sacred month of Ramadan, Mirwaiz said that the basic aim of this month is to introspect at the individual and collective level and to create a society based on religious principles and values. He said the holy month gives an opportunity to the Muslims to once again devote themselves to Allah and check our deeds. Mirwaiz said it also gives us a chance to think about and protect the Islamic character, culture, and identity of this place.