India-Pak should emulate from North & South Korea: Hakeem Yaseen

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar: Chairman PDF and MLA Khansahib Hakeem Mohammad Yaseen has exudes confidence that the fast improving relations between the two neighboring countries of India and China would cast a positive impact on the bilateral relations of India and Pakistan hoping that the leadership of both the neighboring countries would assimilate from the growing quest for peace at global level.
Expressing satisfaction over reports about revival of Track 11 diplomacy between India and Pakistan to improve bilateral relations and to resolve all outstanding issues through talks, He hoped that both the countries would tread the path of peace and friendship.
Addressing a public gathering at Raiyar Khansahib today Hakeem Yaseen has said that the media reports quoting diplomatic sources about revival of Neemrana Dialogue-track 2 diplomacy process for improving bilateral ties between India and Pakistan and resolution of issues between the two countries through talks was a good omen for the people of the state adding that the meeting between the Armies of India-China in JK’s Chushul Ladakh area to maintain peace and tranquility along the Line of Actual Control ( LAC) and agreeing to work on additional Confidence Building Measures CBM S was a most encouraging and welcome step.
Hakeem Yaseen hoped that the quest for peace at global level including thaw in relations between North and south Koreas and between India and China shall have far reaching positive effects on the bilateral relations between India and Pakistan hoping that a new Dawn of peace and tranquility will soon begin in the subcontinent replacing animosity with friendship and hatred with love.
Hakeem Yaseen urged for a conducive atmosphere for conflict resolution through dialogue and reconciliation between India and Pakistan to end ongoing bloodshed and mayhem in the state which is facing brunt of the animosity between the two neighboring countries since last 6 decades.

He said if North Korean leader, King Jan g un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In can go for permanent peace treaty and demilitarization in Korean peninsula, if China and India can start fresh CBMs, why the leaderships of India and Pakistan cannot shun their egos to shun the path of rivalry in the interest of their people.

He said people of both the countries are eagerly yearning for peace as the animosity between India and Pakistan has put them on disaster politically, economically and socially. “It was necessary rigid stand and needless ego on the issue of Kashmir that has led the three disastrous wars, inflicting untold miseries on the people,” “Hakeem Yaseen observed while appealing the leadership of both the neighbouring countries to sit on a negotiating table to resolve their issue. The soon they do it, the more it will be beneficial for their people,” Hakeem added.