Islam defends humanity cum Unity, Grand Shah-e-Jeelan Conference attended by scholars from Iraq, Egypt & India

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar:Grand annual  Shah-e-Jeelan conference organized by the Karwan-e-Islami International at Markazul Madaris Jamiatul Qadriya at Trigam, Shadipora in Sumbal area of Kashmir attended by thousands of people while Sheikh Hamad Geelani, the grandson of famous Islamic dignitary Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (R.A), from Baghdad Iraq participated in the conference  as a special guest.

The other dignitaries who participated in the conference include Dr Ahmed Mumdooh Ahmed Ashafayi, Al-Misri, who is also the Director of Sharia Research Department Law and Education at Cairo, Egypt. Renowned Orator of Asia and Europe Moulana Sageer Ahmed Jokhanpuri also participated in the conference. The three days Shah-e-Jeelani conference that started with the Moulood-e-Masood (Pbuh) on Friday, culminated emotional prayers and moist eyes.

Wilayat Times reports that the speakers in their respective speeches stressed on forging unity in Muslim Ummah and emphasized on studying Islam in its true and pristine form. Stating that the major reason why Muslims across the globe are confronted with volley of issues and problems was that they were not aware of the basic principles of Islam the way a believer is supposed to be. They said that in past Muslims ruled over the world  and also defeated the plots of enemies  who tried to create wedge among Muslims and divide Muslims on sectarian lines.

Speakers stressed on taking the cue from the Muslim rulers who fought evil forces with their faith and love for Prophet (Pbuh) and it is high time to walk on to their footsteps.

In his presidential address, Prominent Islamic Scholar of Kashmir and Patron Karwan-e-Islami Alama Ghulam Rasool Hami while highlighting the issues confronting the Muslim world, said that the basic reason is that Muslims, including the generation next is farness from the basic principles of Islam and the love for great and revered saints of Kashmir who put in their blood and influence to spread Islam in its truest form, is fading away from the hearts of people across the world, including Kashmir which is the main reason why Muslims across the world are facing multiple challenges.

To confront the challenges at religious and social level, Alama Hami said that Karwan-e-Islami through its Darul Ulooms and its move to establish a University will rope in youth in large numbers to impart them quality education and explain before them the basic principles of Islam and also the teachings of great and revered saints of Kashmir. He said on this front, a major success has been achieved and efforts are on to speed up the process of roping more youth across Kashmir Valley.

Alama Hami strongly condemned the atrocities being inflicted on the Muslims living in various parts of India and called for immediate end of the pain and sufferings of the minority community of India.

Alama Hami said that Islam is being projected in a different way and is deliberately being linked with the terrorism, which is far from the reality.

Talking about the Kashmir issue , the Karwan-e-Islami patron said that the issue is lingering since past many decades taking toll on the human lives on the both sides of Kashmir. He said Kashmir issue is reality and this reality can’t be done away with. He urged both India and Pakistan to take concrete steps towards resolving Kashmir issue so that people can breathe in a free air.