JK Police evacuates pregnant womens to hospital

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar:Police in Bandipora saved a precious life by shifting a pregnant lady to SDH Hospital Bandipora.

Bandipora police today received information that a pregnant lady residing in the nearby area has developed irresistible pain and needs immediate medical attention.

Subsequently, a police party from Police Station Pethkote headed by SHO Pethkote rushed to the spot and evacuated the lady to SDH Hospital for medical treatment.

Meanwhile Police Media Centre in a statement to Wilayat Times said, Police in Srinagar saved a precious life by shifting a pregnant lady to L.D hospital Srinagar.

Srinagar police today received information that a pregnant lady residing in the nearby area has developed irresistible pain and needs immediate medical attention.

Subsequently, a police party from Police Station Rainawari headed by SHO Rainawari rushed to the spot and evacuated the lady to L.D Hospital for medical treatment.

Locals have applauded the efforts of Police for prompt response and assistance in a crucial juncture.