Kashmir facing “Karbala-like” situation:Jammat-e-Islami

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar:Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir (JeI) Tuesday said that Indian forces and local police task force have jointly established a reign of terror thereby creating the “karbala-like” situation throughout the Kashmir valley by killing seven more innocent youth during the last two days namely 16 year Yasir Ahmad Sheikh S/o Abdul Salam Sheikh R/o SD Colony, Batamaloo, 19 year Amir Yousuf Ganaie S/o Mohammad Yousuf Ganie R/o Larkipora, 16 year Javed Ahmad Najar S/o Ghulam Rasool, 18 year Javed Ahmad Sheikh S/o Ghulam Rasool Sheikh, 26 year Manzoor Ahmad Lone S/o Mohammad Akbar Lone, 25 year Mohammad Ashraf Bhat S/o Ghulam Mohammad & 15 year Farooq Ahmad Bhat S/o Sana-ullah residents of Aaripanthan, Beerwah and injuring scores others out of whom two youth Towqeer Ahmad Bhat (13 years) S/o Mohammad Shafi R/o Aripanthan and Umar Majeed R/o Fatehpora are lying in very critical conditions in hospitals.

In a statement issued to WT, Advocate Zahid Ali Spokesperson Jama’at-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir (JeI) said that during the intervening night of 15-16 August, a team of SOG police accompanied by CRPF personnel raided Aripanthan village but by the forceful protests of the people, they failed to arrest anyone. At about midnight, they re-appeared but again they were forced to run away. On 16th August, at about 7:45 am they again appeared and near the local forest check post fired indiscriminately upon the people gathered there without any provocation or cause with the result five innocent youth lost their precious lives and scores other got critically injured. On hearing this tragic news, people in thousands from the adjoining areas rushed towards Aripanthan mourning and raising their voice angrily against this state barbarism and participated in Namaz-e-Jinazah. In the same way, RR personnel indiscriminately fired upon protestors in Larkipora village and killed an innocent youth and injured dozens others. In Malangpora, Pulwama SOG of police suddenly appeared and fired upon peaceful procession on 14th August and injured a number of innocent youth and damaged huge property of the people. In Khurhama and Barsoo villages of Ganderbal too the same barbarity, was demonstrated with the result a number of innocent protestors got injured. Police in furtherance of its arrest spree have detained a number of innocent persons during the last two days including an active worker of Jama’at Abdul Qayoom Dar from Shuch village of Kulgam. By these barbaric and inhumane tactics, the Indian forces have let loose a reign of terror in the valley and common people stand terrorized.
In the meanwhile a delegation of Jama’at-e-Islami led by Advocate Zahid Ali met the families of recently martyred Suhail Ahmad Wani of Letapora and Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat of Chursoo Pulwama and expressed solidarity with them and paid great tributes to the martyrs.
JeI while vehemently condemning the barbarism of Indian forces, stresses upon the international institutions to exercise their diplomatic influence to get the state terrorism stopped here and save the Kashmiris from genocide.
JeI advises the government of India to listen to the genuine voice of Kashmiris instead of applying its inhumane force upon them and start tripartite negotiations including Kashmiris as the main party and find ways to resolve the Kashmir issue as per the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.
Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir demands unconditional release of all Hurriyat leaders and political prisoners and detainees forthwith to create a congenial atmosphere for holding trilateral talks.