Kashmir not a bilateral issue between Indian and Pakistan:Syed Ali Geelani

wilayattimes (Kashmir)
Srinagar:While commenting over the statement of the Indian External Affairs Ministry Spokesman Vikas Swarup that “Barack Obama has agreed with Narendra Modi that Kashmir is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan”, Chairman Hurriyat (G) Syed Ali Geelani said that Kashmir is not any bilateral issue between India and Pakistan but it is an issue of the future of 13 million Kashmiri people who are principal party to this dispute and whom India has enslaved with the help of its military power.
The world bodies including the UNO has accepted the right to self determination of the Kashmiri people and had many times advocated for referendum in this disputed region so that the people will themselves decide their future.He said that though the American President had not issued any such statement but whatever Indian spokesman said in the media about the Kashmir, that is very far from the truth and justice and it is also contrary to the historical facts of the Kashmir issue.In a statement to Wilayat Times, Syed Ali Geelani appealed to the world powers that they should address the Kashmir dispute in its real perspective and don’t see this dispute through the bilateral prism of Indo-Pak.This is a serious human issue due to which not only the millions of humans of Kashmir are suffering but it is the basic cause of prevailing tension, disorder, instability and political uncertainty in the entire South Asian region.