Qom: While expressing sorrow and worry over the recent innocent civilian killings in Kashmir, Seminary Student Waseem Reza Kashmiri urged upon the government of India and Pakistan to start result oriented dialogue process with the people of Jammu and Kashmir to end this bloodshed and save precious human lives in State.
In a statement, Kashmiri Seminary student of Al Mustafa (S) International University Howza Ilmia Qom Waseem Reza Kashmiri denounced the cycle of civilians killings in Jammu and Kashmir and demanded the withdraw of draconian laws like AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Power Act) which gives the forces immunity and special rights in carrying operations in disturbed areas of the State.
He further said that Kashmir is the political issue and it needs political solution, there should be end in Military and Militancy culture in Kashmir. Whether a civilian, militant or security personal being killed in any place of conflict zone, humanity mourns over the loss of precious human life. Termed the gun as the weapon of destruction and it’s the responsibility of leaders and intelligentsia to empower youths with knowledge and increase their foresight. As Nelson Mandela said “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Military and Militancy is not the solution; Appealed youths to be ambassadors of Knowledge.
He also condemned the incidents of raising flags of ISIS, Daesh, Alqaeda & Taliban in Kashmir and asked youths to know about their crimes carried in Muslim Countries. Writing and using Kalima on flags doesn’t make them ambassadors of Islam, their creation as well as their actions are against teachings of Quran and Holy Prophet (Pbuh). We need to understand the concept and history of Masjid-e-Zurara in Islam when the Holy Prophet (Pbuh) ordered for its demolition, because the enemies were trying to use said Mosque to harm and tarnish image of Islam.