Founder of the Islamic Revolution Imam Khomenie (R.A) has rightly said that it was difficult to bring the revolution but it is very difficult to maintain the revolution,it needs the men of courage and valour,dedicated and sincere ,efficient and competent ,who can continue the true spirit of the Islamic revolution.Thanks to Almighty,there is no dearth of such personalities ,who work hard and put their potential what ever they possess on the stake to lead the revolution in the way of good to better ,better to best and best to ideal
Martyr Abbas Babaie is one of such personalities ,who lived a simple life ,but possessed the qualities of high ideas ,vis-à-vis sincerity ,keen ,dedication and a clear vision he has been the model for students, volunteers, social workers ,valiant soldiers, dedicated engineers, creative type of administrators and above all the polar star for the sincere obedient creatures of Almighty
Martyr Abbas Babaie was born in 1958 in the city of Qazvin in a middle and religious family .From his child hood ,he was possessing extraordinary characteristics .He used to meet the people with love and possibly helped them and he continued his behavior until he breathed his last.
After graduation ,he qualified the entrance test in the Medical college but in order to fallow his dream career, he got admission in Air force academy .After completion of his initial training ,he left for America for higher studies in air force in 1970.In Washington Abbas was totally distinguished from others because of his sustenance of religious morality and excellence in education away from his home in a morally corrupt society of western world in 1972 he return to his own country ,iran obtaining his pilot degree certificate.Later on 26 of june 1975 he entered into matrimonial relationship with his maternal cousin sidiqeh (Malihah) hikmat and Allah–bestowed him one daughter and two sons Mohammad and Hussain.After Islamic revolution at the beginning of war ,he prepared himself to serve and safeguard Islam and the revolution.He got the position of Lieutenant colonel on 31st July 1981 by the virtue of his perpetual endeavors and unparallel efforts and accordingly he was entrusted the headship of Isfahan Air force.
The Air force wing became strong and stable due to his power of creativity and military expertise.Despite holding the position of commander, he himself used to take part in Air strikes.It was due to these efficiency and sincere efforts that he achieved the ranks of Brigadier status,Name and fame least disturbed his personality as simplicity and sincerity had became part and parcel of his nature.Due to his belief, sincerity ,administrative capability and being an expert in his own field ,Martyr Babaie took a lead in such a way that he proved to be worthy of possessing the talent of leadership and was made incharge of 8th Airbase on 29th of july Addition to his own duties ,he performed the construction and social work for the down trodden of the suburbs of the Isfahan city .He helped in making available the amenities like electricity ,water supply ,baths ,education and health caring avenues for the deprived religions of Isfahan
Martyr Babaie played an exemplary role as incharge of Isfahan Airbase ,exhibiting his efficiency and sence of responsibility with the result he was promoted to the post of colonel on 30th November 1983 and was deputed to Tehran as vice Admiral in the affairs of space operation .He added a record of good deeds in the history of Air force and divine defense with his spirit of martyrdom and sacrifice .He contributed the important span of his life in the service of Islam and Islamic revolution by spending more than three thousands hours in different war air crafts.In this way ,besides being popular and a responsible officer ,he proved to be a faithful and true friend of voluntary force (baseeji) .He successfully performed more than sixty war mission from 1985 up till his martyrdom.
Martyr Babaie never contented merely on supervision for any successful and speedy military operation ,instead he happened to be the first pilot who personally used to take a lead to make a survey of possible dangers and difficulties in military planning and strategies. Keeping in view the adventures that commander Babaie made during the war ,he was honored with portfolio of Brigadier on 28th April in 1987 .Brigadier Babaie ,while returning back across the border fell a pray of anti –air craft .
Brigadier Babaie along with other co pilot entered the Iraqi border in F-15 on the day of Eid–Qurban in order to make an aerial survey of the religion and operational zoon .After completion of the job on his return ,the anti aircraft bullet struck over his head and he got martyred there, although his copilot succeeds in making a safe land.The army high command meeting was going on at that time ,when this news reaches there .There was a complete anguished silence and the people present there especially those who knew Babaie closely couldn’t stop their tears to gush over their cheeks.Babaie was 37 at the time of his martyrdom .He was an ideal who spent his whole life in struggle and sacrifice and at last attained his long wished martyrdom on the day of Eid-e-Qurban.In this way he made a record in the Iranian history for ever .
Abbas used to recite Quran,it was not customary in the life of an ordinary Brigadier pilot for this reason most people got astonished.Abbas was real and true follower of Moula Ali (Pbuh).Name of Moula Ali on his tounge was sign of real follower of Imam Ali Ibn Talib (Pbuh).His every action was for Allah and discharged his duty honestly and amicably.He was a true student and follower of Imam Khomeini.Abbas has learned the lesson of sincerity from imam Khomeini (R.A) .Abbas was a devotee of Holy imams and lover of Quran .
Martydom of Abbas Babaie was got loss for the Islam and Iran .But we all have to left this world at our time (indeed we belong to Allah and to him we return )
Abbas babaie,s is still in our hearts and will remain till to last breath of life.
(Author hails from Magam Ahmadpora of Kashmir is the student of BA.Llb)