Meet an exalted Young Kashmiri Cricketer Commonly known as “Ish-Malla the power house”

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar | WTNS | Aga Syed Amin | Jan 27:“I’m not a day gazer  I’m the matter-of- fact  what I’ve learnt is, It takes relentless hard work, years of undivided attention and a lot of perseverance chasing the dream to one day appear in your real essence of the colours of your dream . What separates the legends from thousands of extremely talented youngsters sweating it out every single day on the field, is their attitude towards the game”.

Undeniably it take years of practice to outshine in the field of sports so is the case with young Kashmiri Cricketers Ishfaq Ahmad Malla. The stalwart all rounder of Kirmiani Kings Laway Pora Srinagar is by golly the real human bazooka a man who hits magnificent sixes with maximum ranges .

Hailing from kongamdara in district Baramulla Ishfaq the giant sixer man left his home at his inchoate days to  travel many kilometres to reach his play ground for rigorous practice in pursuit of his lofty dreams.

“ I use to travel 15 kilometres from my home daily to meet my mates in different play grounds, unlucky we didn’t had spacious play ground which forced players like me to go beyond our reach and most importantly to say that such grounds were not easy approachable. My fondness with cricket is hard to express in words , unusually go to open the inning with many contracts of how shall I discover the real cricketer living in me”.

Ish’s dreams not only involves rigours hard work in the pitch but also hardships to find his place in cricket professionalism.

In his last 15 matches played against different teams and in varied pitches Ishfaq has scored more than one thousand runs “1000” which includes 18 half centuries and a ton with 125 runs.

“ I want to give my feat to cricket if players like me are chiselled and polished by the international players in the era of globalization , since our stream of talents goes down the drain we are struggling in Kashmir even for adequate cricket-infrastructure , grooming mills for players so that we can play for our country .

By feat I mean a lot , I’m candid enough to say that I couldn’t sleep the night before and after when I hit my first much required ton which helped my team to stand firm at the worst juncture , such things needs to be monitored by the authorities .

I was playing all the game in my head and after our tremendous win against South Kashmir team I didn’t sleep that night as I played very well it was the frenzies for my cricket inspirations”

Here in Kashmir youths are loaded with rampant employment on their backs which is the problems that many budding Cricketers bud farewell to their unbosomed cricket career.

Ishu goes in speaking  “ I’m a struggling Cricketer with much toiled aspects I’ve to work to eke out my living , I couldn’t afford much time to focus on my trainings as a result I’m unable to attend my games which otherwise are very significant for me .

Things stood contrary against me at many times , I got disposed from my private job when once I went to play thus was rewarded with my termination , thus such is situation prevailing with we people . government must come forward to preserve and utilise the young cricket beat of Kashmir”

Ishfaq’s brother Imtiyaz is the  famous gym trainer who helped his brother to build strong muscles and steel nerves to stand unshakable I’m the midst of challenging storms.

 Imtiyaz Malla has this to say “  Earlier I found my brother stubborn to join my gym membership , slowly I motivated him by citing many remarkable success stories and he came under my whip and I believed that  anyone can change him unless he is willing to change, a good idea could be you getting in a supreme shape and let your physique motivate him, once he will watch you getting in shape taking care of your body he will automatically turn his head towards fitness and change his life for good”.

Almost every youngster in the country, at some point or other, dreams of taking up a sport as a career and representing the country at the highest level. However, the competition for the same is so intense that there are a handful of people who make it through.

At the domestic level as well, there have been many youngsters who have been scoring tons of runs or picking bagful of wickets. But, given the amount of competition, they haven’t been fortunate yet to wear the India colours at the highest level. Yet, some of these guys are knocking the doors of the selectors consistently and could be making their debut soon.

In the last few years, Ishfaq Malla  been one of the most consistent performers in Kashmir cricket. He represents Kirmiani Kings at the intensive level and opens the innings for them. He’s been around in the first-class circuit since 2017

Moreover, Ishfaq has performed brilliantly in List A cricket as well. In latest 15 games he scored worthy full runs at the high average However, the strike rate is an aspect he has got to work on and should get better. If he can up polished and moulded for his  dream  game as well, he could get a surprise.

Thus players like him needs to be channelized for the better society of young players with gushing brook talents  government all need to focus on the strategies how to make cricket a big platform in Kashmir so that these talented players can go ahead with their exact positions.