Mirwaiz Farooq and Gani Lone are the great Martyrs of Kashmir:Hurriyat Conference

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar:On the thirtieth Martydom anniversary of Shaheed e Millat Mirwaiz Molvi Mohammed Farooq  and eighteenth Martydom anniversary of Shaheed e Hurriyat Khawaja Abdul Ghani lone which falls on 21st May , All parties Hurriyat Conferece(M) paid glorious tributes to these  distinguished sons of soil.  APHC also paid tributes to the martys of Hawal martyred while carrying the dead body of Shaheed Mirwaiz.

In a Statement to Wilayat Times, APHC said that Shaheed Mirwaiz was a great preacher and religious scholar , whose services in the educational and social upliftment of his people will always be recalled with respect . A dearly loved and popular leader shaheed Mirwaiz led his people from the front in their political struggle. He was an advocate of the realisation of the will of the people of J&K in deciding their future, as well as a great believer of peace between the neighbouring countries of India and Pakistan.

APHC said that Shaheed Abdul Ghani Lone was a heedful and fearless leader who sacrificed his life for his belief in a peaceful and pro people resolution of the Kashmir issue. His contribution in the formation of people’s platform of Hurriyat conference is unforgettable.

APHC  said that people of J&K will always remember these selfless leaders and will follow the path they showed . APHC reiterated that it will pursue the vision and mission of these great stalwarts in seeking the resolution of the Kashmir conflict.

 APHC  said that the collective Fateh Khawani and commemorative public rally to be held at the Martyrs graveyard in Eidgah to honour the Shaheed leaders and the martyrs of Hawal  stands  deferred, in wake of the health advisory by our medical fraternity to maintain social and physical distance and  the  subsequent lockdown due to the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic .  Besides All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) chairman  Mirwaiz Umar Farooq also continues to be under arbitrary house detention since August last year.

People are requested to individually offer fatiha at home for the martyed leaders , the martyrs of Hawal and all those young and old men and women , who laid down their precious lives in the Kashmir struggle from 1931 till date.