Mirwaiz Umar Farooq demands complete ban on liquor and drugs in Kashmir

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar:Expressing serious concern over the disastrous impact of spread of drug addiction in Kashmir, Jammu Kashmir Mutthida Majlis-e-Ulema (MMU) Ameer and Hurriyat Conference (M) Chiarman, Mirwiaz Dr. Moulvi Mohammad Umar Farooq Thursday called for imposing a complete ban on the sale and consumption of drugs and liquor in Kashmir.

He said Kashmir valley has remained a pious land for ages and had been an abode of saints and religious scholars.

The Mirwaiz said there was no justification for allowing drug and liquor menace to grow in Kashmir on the pretext that it was essential for economy by relating it to Tourism sector.

However, the MMU chief said permission should not be granted to such trades as they are not only against Islamic values but are also universally accepted as hazards and dangerous for human life and destructive for family peace and prosperity.

Prominent Kashmiri cleric said when authorities in Indian states like Gujarat and Bihar had brought stringent laws to put a complete ban on liquor despite the fact that sale and consumption of liquor earned Rs 4000 crore annually to the Bihar government there was no justification for the Jammu Kashmir government to allow and continue the liquor sale.

The MMU Ameer said a meeting would be called soon in which religious scholars, Masjid Imams and heads of religious groups would participate to frame a collective and effective strategy to fight this menace.

He said parents, heads of educational institutions, religious group advisors, scholars; Imams of Masjids had a responsibility not only to bring awareness among the people about the harmful effects of drugs and liquor but also to strive for a complete ban on its sale and consumption.