Stop interfering into affairs of J&K by creating discord:Kashmiri Seminary Scholar Waseem Reza to Syed Kalbi Jawad

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar | WTNS | Nov 29:Expressed his anguish, Prominent Seminary Scholar Waseem Reza Kashmiri termed Kalbi Jawad’s visit to Kashmir as a flop show and an attempt to ignite the lava of discord between Muslims in Kashmir.

In a statement issued here, Prominent Kashmiri Seminary and proficient Islamic Scholar and JK based socio-political Analyst Waseem Reza advised Kalbi Jawad not to intervene in the political and other affairs of Jammu and Kashmir by sowing the seeds of discord.

“Though the visit of Kalbi Jawad is a clear message of his strategy to divide people on communal basis, however people of the valley are much mature about his plots which have been foiled by the them.” He added.

The seminary further said “We respect Moulana Syed Kalbe Jawad Sahab “ general secretary of Majlis-e-Ulama-e-Hind” but at the same time we warn him about promotion of agenda under saffron flag and also not to harm the centuries-old brotherhood of Jammu and Kashmir. Had he loved Kashmir, he would had raised the issue at higher political parlance and after August 5, 2019, voices were heard all over India in favour of Kashmiris but he dared not to touch even a single drop of it “.Said Reza.

 Waseem Reza Kashmiri further said “Kashmir is not Lucknow, Here situation is different and people of Kashmir stand unitedly and reject the Moulana Jawad as his words and actions shows he was on a particular mission.

Kashmir issue is a living reality and there will be no solution from conflict to development unless Kashmiris especially the youth can be taken into confidence.” Reads the statement.