The Green Muharram Campaign Harmonizing Faith and Environmental Responsibility at Ahmed Pora.

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

“Our endeavour, rooted in the sacred teachings of Islam, draws inspiration from the hadith, “Cleanliness is half of our faith.” This ignited our resolve to harmonize religious observance with environmental care. Our mission began in Ahmad Pora, uniting spiritual devotion with ecological responsibility.”

By Muzammil Malik:

In an awe-inspiring demonstration of communal harmony and environmental stewardship, the youth wing of the All Jammu and Kashmir Shia Association at Markazi Imambargah Ahmad Pora has embarked on a transformative project this Muharram: a sweeping cleaning drive. Acknowledging the harmful environmental effects of excessive disposable usage during the scorching summer months, we have vowed to preserve our surroundings with pristine cleanliness and reverence.

Our endeavor is deeply enshrined in the sacred teachings of Islam. The hadith, “Cleanliness is half of our faith,” ignited our resolve, urging us into action. It is our conviction that religious observance should coexist harmoniously with environmental care. Our mission began in Ahmad Pora, with a vision to unite spiritual devotion and ecological responsibility.

Embarking on a large-scale initiative is fraught with challenges, and our cleaning drive was no exception. At the outset, we faced a dire shortage of essential tools—large dustbins, cleaning implements, and protective gear. Yet, fortified by unwavering determination and the unwavering support of AJKSA president Molvi Imran Reza Ansari, we surmounted these obstacles. Within days, we amassed the necessary resources, underscoring our dedication and the community’s readiness to champion such noble causes.

Our foremost goal is to impart a profound message through the narrative of Karbala. Imam Hussain’s valorous stand against tyranny is legendary, but equally poignant is his example of living a life of integrity and respect for all of creation. We emphasize that Imam Hussain (a.s.) never sanctioned actions that would harm the environment. Through our meticulous efforts, we have collected and responsibly disposed of vast amounts of waste generated by Azadars (mourners) during Muharram. Our aim is to herald a “Green Muharram,” ensuring that religious observance does not lead to environmental harm.

We find inspiration in the poignant tales of Islamic tradition, such as the story of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) and the honey bee. When Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) was cast into the inferno by Namrood, a humble honey bee endeavored to extinguish the flames by carrying droplets of water. When asked why, the bee responded that it wished to contribute, no matter how small the effort seemed. Likewise, our cleaning drive, though modest, is a significant homage to the principles of Azadar e Imam Hussain (a.s.).

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) proclaimed, “Indeed, Hussain (a.s.) is the lamp of guidance and the ark of salvation. Whoever follows the path of my Hussain (a.s.) will surely find success in this life and the hereafter. Hussain is like Noah’s Ark; those who board his boat will never drown, no matter how fierce the flood or waves will be.”

The youth wing of Markazi Imambargah Ahmadpora prays for Almighty’s acceptance of our efforts and aspires to broaden this initiative in the forthcoming years. We envision a more sophisticated and well-equipped cleaning drive for future Muharrams, ensuring that the clarion call for a clean and green environment reverberates far and wide.

The All Jammu and Kashmir Shia Association youth wing’s cleaning drive epitomizes the harmonious blend of religious observance and environmental responsibility. By taking concrete steps to safeguard the environment during Muharram, we pay homage to the true spirit of Imam Hussain’s teachings and set an inspiring precedent for others to follow. Even the smallest actions, imbued with sincerity and faith, can wield a monumental impact.