Washington:President Trump promised to “Make America Great Again.” The rest of the world thinks he is having the opposite effect.
Just one year into office, Trump has fueled perceptions the United States is “becoming less progressive and trustworthy” and “more politically unstable,” according to a report published Tuesday by U.S. News & World Report, an American media company. The survey found that 58% of global citizens disapprove of Trump’s presidency. The low approval ratings mean Trump is more unpopular than any other world leader.
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel and Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had the highest approval ratings in the survey. Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, was the most respected CEO among business leaders.
The findings were released as part of U.S. News & World Report’s 2018 Best Countries survey, published as Trump prepares to travel this week to the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The forum that runs Tuesday to Friday is a gathering for business and political leaders who often extoll the benefits of international collaboration and trade integration — initiatives Trump has disparaged.