Two Lashkar militants carried out Baghat-e-Barzulla attack: IGP Kashmir Vijay Kumar

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar | WTNS | Feb 19:Srinagar: Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir range Vijay Kumar said that two Lashkar-e-Toiba militants including a local carried out the attack in which two policemen were killed at Baghat-e-Barzulla area in Srinagar on Friday.

Wilayat Times News Service Reports that while talking to media persons on the sidelines of a wreath laying ceremony of two slain cops at District Police Line (DPL) Srinagar, the IG Kashmir said that two Lashkar-e-Toiba militants including a foreign militant and a local who has been identified as Saqib, carried out the Baghat attack. “The two policemen were on a routine duty and were at a shop to buy something. They were fired from the back. They were totally unarmed,” IGP Kumar said here

Two Lashkar-e-Toiba militants including a foreign militant and a local who has been identified as Saqib, carried out the Baghat attack.

He said that both the attackers will be tracked down soon. “Doctors at the hospital tried their best to save the two injured cops but couldn’t,” the IGP said adding that the incident will help the cops to work with more dedication and take extra precautions. “We will go for a security review and plug the loopholes. Had the policemen with weapons, perhaps they would have retaliated,” the IGP said.

The Kashmir police chief clarified that  nobody has been detained or arrested. “May be someone has been detained for routine questioning,”

Meanwhile Inspector General of Police paid rich tributes to the slain cops Suhail Ahmed and Muhammad Yousuf, residents of Ashmuqam, Anantnag and Zurhama, Kupwara.