Unity; Powerful and Successive Weapon Against Enemies of Islam.

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Muslims must move towards unity, this ideological bias is an internal obstacles to unity. One external obstacle to unity is the efforts on the part of the enemies of Islam to foment discord. We must be totally vigilant against each efforts. These efforts are not a recent issue. They came into being the day the dominant political powers in the world realized that they could influence other nations.


Unity is one of the basic tents of Islam, but unfortunately nowadays we have to talk about the need for unity in the Islamic world, since unity is totally absent in fact, we as Muslims tend to have a good understanding and bonding with almost everyone else, except our own Muslim brothers and sisters.
Of course, today the main cause of disunity in the Muslim Ummah is ignorance. Owing to our ignorance, we are drifting away from the Right path of Quran, Prophet Mohammed (s.a.w.w), Ahlebait Tahireen a.s, Hadith, and Sunnah, and falling prey to silly notions of pseudo nationalism and other man-made concepts. And how does this lack of unity in the Islamic world affect us? Well, Our enemies simply take advantage of our disunity, and they attack and kill our brothers and sisters, whereas we just sit and watch our fellow Muslims are abused and wronged, and we just make sure that we are safe. It is sad to see that everyone nowadays think in terms of “Countries” not Ummah. Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Yemen everywhere, we are more attached to borders than brotherhood.
Unity which is among the greatest and most important duties of all Muslims, is one of the issue that I will stress today. I put here great example of unity when it was conflict among muslim world on birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w). Islamic Republic of Iran declared the week as Unity Week (ہفتہ وحدت). As u know They wanted erase or remove this conflict among Muslim world. The week leading to Rabi-al-Awwal 12 was named as unity week (ہفتہ وحدت) at the beginning of the Revolution. That was because according to famous tradition narrated by our Sunni brothers, Rabi-al-Awwal 12 marks the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.w) but according to famous traditions narrated by the Shias, the Holy Prophet’s birth anniversary falls on Rabi-al-Awwal 17. At the beginning of the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian nation and government officials named the period between these two dates as Unity Week (ہفتہ وحدت), they wanted unity week to be a symbolic representation of unity among Muslims. I thinks it is a appreciable or laudable movement, step which Imam Khomanei (R.A) has taken to stand the unity among Muslim World.
Internal and External obstacles to Muslim Unity which are needed to be ignored.
There are the internal obstacles that is the result of denominational bias. This bias affects all groups of people. We must overcome this bias. Having faith in one’s creeds is laudable. It is also good to insist on these creeds. But this faith must not cross the line between logical argumentation and aggressive rejection of others beliefs. Our brothers who are part of the Muslim Ummah must treat each other with respect. They have a right to adhere to their own beliefs, but they must respect others, their rights, and their beliefs. Muslims must leave ideological debates to scholarly meetings. Ulemas and scholars may engage in religious debates. But there is a difference between religious debates at scholarly meetings and an exchange of insults in public and in front of an audience who are not capable of scholarly analysis. Ulemas and government officials must keep this under control. That is a duty that lies on the shoulders of all groups of Muslims, both Shia and Sunni.
Muslims must move towards unity, this ideological bias is an internal obstacles to unity. One external obstacle to unity is the efforts on the part of the enemies of Islam to foment discord. We must be totally vigilant against each efforts. These efforts are not a recent issue. They came into being the day the dominant political powers in the world realized that they could influence other nations. What happened in Lebanon and Palestine can teach us many lessons. Some years ago when the Lebanese resistance forces and the youth of Hezbollah inflicted a humiliating defeat on the Zionist regime which was considered a victory for the world of Islam. The enemies immediately brought up the issue of Shia and Sunni and started to strengthen religious bias in Lebanon, in the Middle East, and in the entire world of Islam.
All great aspirations require serious efforts. No great aspiration can be achieved in the absence of serious efforts. Unity among Muslims is not an exception it requires efforts. It is our duty to make efforts to create unity in the World of Islam. This unity can solve many problems. It can bring about glory for Muslim nations and communities. Our big enemies are America and Israel. As u know Imam Khamnaei called them Elder Devil (شیطان بزرگ). I thinks we have to unite together to eradicate their roots from this planet. You will see in upcoming years their will be no existence of Israel on this earth which is big threat to Muslim Ummah. As Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Syed Ali Khamnaei has predicted about it very early.
I will conclude my thoughts here and leave the readers with Verses from the Holy Quran, to remind ourselves of the importance of unity in the Islamic World .


The Quran 03:103 (surah Al-Imran) And hold fast all together ,by the Rope which Allah (Stretches out for you) and be not divided among yourselves: and remember with gratitude Allah’s favour on you; for were enemies and he joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, you became brethren and you were on the brink of the pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make His signs clear to you that you may be guided.

The Quran 06:159 (Surah Al-An’am) As for those who divide their religion and breakup into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least:their affair is with Allah:He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did.
The Quran 08:46(Surah Al-Anfal) Obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart and your momentum disappears. And be steadfast. Allah is with the steadfast.