US looking at Yemeni war as trade opportunity: Ansarullah

wilayattimes (Yemen)

Sana:Washington is considering war in Yemen as a trade opportunity for gaining money, Spokesman of Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement Mohammad Abdul Salam said.

Due to the US supports of aggression and blockade in Yemen, the United Nations is not able to take any action, Yemeni TV Channel ‘Al-Masirah’ quoted Abdul Salam as saying in a Twitter message on Friday night.

According to Yemeni media, Abdul Salam made the remarks related to his meeting with UN special representative on Yemen Martin Griffiths.

During the meeting both sides discussed peace process, economic barriers, humanitarian crisis and releasing prisoners of war.

Political situation and comprehensive solution to humanitarian and economic crisis were also reviewed in the meeting.

Meanwhile, the London-based newspaper ‘ Asharq Al-Awsat’ quoted some sources in Sana’a claiming that Griffiths had called for UN guarantee before start of talks with deposed government cabinet.

Yemeni peace talks were supposed to be held on September 6 and with the attendance of Griffiths in Geneva, Switzerland.

But Saudi-coalition measures to prevent Ansarullah delegation caused delay.

Saudi Arabia and its regional allies attacked Yemen in March 2015 to bring back to power the deposed president of Yemen Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

The invaders have committed horrible war crimes against Yemeni civilians during the past three years.