Worse Condition and Killings of Kashmiri People made me painful, Muslim Ummah and International Community must shun their Silence:Grand Ayatollah Alavi Gorgani

wilayattimes (Iran)

Tehran:World`s Famous Shia Marja and Religious Authority in Iran Grand Ayatollah Syed Mohammad Ali Hussaini Alavi Gorgani expressed sorrow and pain over the plights and killings of people in Kashmir. His Eminence urged Muslim World and International Organization to play role to save the people of Kashmir from ongoing oppression.

Wilayat Times says,His Eminance in his Message Said:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Beneficial

Dear people and believers of Kashmir

Deeply saddened to hear about the happenings and siege of people of Kashmir, Disconnecting communication ways and banning congregations, even Friday prayers etc. made me painful, above all the silence of International Organizations and Human Rights Defenders over the killing of the people of Kashmir has caused enormous pain to the Muslim World.Therefore, Muslim Ummah, Scholars, Statesmen and Human Rights Institutions must respond to this such inappropriate acts on humanitarian basis and do not be silent against this great insult.