Youm-e- Arbaeen observed in Kargil

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Kargil | Mansor Hosain Beigh | October 09:Youm-e-Arbaeen, the 40th day after Ashura was observed on thursday across Ladakh with due solemnity and reverence to the sacrifices of Hazrat Imam Hussain (Pbuh) and his companions at Karbala.

To commemorate the Supreme sacrifice of  martyrs of Karbala processions were taken out by  Markaz-e-Tabliga Imam Raza Sankoo and Anjuman-E-Sahib Zaman Sankoo Kargil with strict adherence to COVID-19 SOPs put in place by the Administration.

The mourners, including women and children’s beating their chests and reciting elegies and hymns to pay tribute to the martyrs of Karbala.

The mourners followed  health protocols and social-distancing rules while taking part in the processions with participation of limited number of mourners.

While speaking over the religious gatherings, scholars paid glorious tributes to the martyrs of Karbala and said that these commemorations are aimed at renewing their pledge of allegiance to the teachings and ideals of Imam Hussein and his loyal companions who sacrificed their lives to safeguard the true essence of Islam.

Scholars threw light on the philosophy of Karbala and termed Karbala as a mission for humanism to establish peace and prosperity in the world.

Meanwhile Chehlum-e-Hussaini were also observed at various villages include Barsoo, Suru,Taisuru,Thangboo purtikchay, Sangrah Maktab-E-Hyderiya,Maktab-E-Sahib Zaman Lankerchey , Saliskote, Trespone GMpore Kanoor,Tambis  with religious sanctity.

Lastly special prayers were made for peace and tranquility in the world and to free humanity from the deadly COVID-19 pandemic.