Youth Killed near Narbal Budgam, Family refutes CRPF claims, FIR registered, Killing widely condemned

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Srinagar: A civilian was shot dead by paramilitary CRPF men at Kawoosa, Narbal in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district today when he allegedly jumped at two check points. Mobile internet services across Budgam district was suspended as a precautionary measure on Wednesday soon after a civilian killing took place in Narbal area.

Police said that a civilian travelling in a vehicle jumped from two naka points in Kawoosa, Narbal after which CRPF men fired at him in which he got injured. “He was shifted to SMHS hospital in a critical condition, where he was declared brought dead,” Budgam police said in a statement.

CRPF spokesman in Srinagar Pankaj Singh confirmed to news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) the incident stating that the man jumped two nakas after which CRPF men opened fire at the person. “We are ascertaining further details,” he said.

Talking to KNO Medical Superintendent of SMHS hospital Dr Nazir Choudhary said that a civilian with multiple bullet injuries on his chest and right shoulder was brought dead to the hospital.

The slain has been identified as Peer Mehrajudin, a resident of Beerwah, Budgam district. Meanwhile, tension gripped Narbal as people took to streets to protest the incident, as per eye-witnesses

Family of Mehraj ud din who was killed by CRPF Naka party in Narbal area of central Kashmir’s Budgam district on Wednesday morning contested CRPF claims and termed the killing as “cold-blooded” murder.

Talking to KNS, Ghulam Nabi, father of slain Mehraj ud din refuted allegation levelled by CRPF over killing of his son. “The claims made by CRPF regarding killing of my son are absolutely unfounded and deceitful. He was murdered in a cold-blood”, Ghulam Nabi said.

He said my son had not ignored the directions of Naka party but was dragged out from his vehicle and was murdered on road. ” He was on way to Srinagar to drop his uncle but when they reached to Narbal, they were dragged out from vehicle and was fired upon”, he said.

Wet eyed Ghulam Nabi told KNS that Naka party of CRPF is now trying to sheild its crime while making concocted statement. “He was shot at chest with a deliberate atempt and claims of forces personnel the he was first asked to stop the vehicle then after ignoring directives he was fired at shoulder ‘ was an absolute lie”, and added, “There is no buyer for such claims”.

He rejected Magisterial probe orders into the killing and demanded impartial and fair judicial investigation into the matter so that elements responsible in the killing will be brought to justice.

Meanwhile Deputy Commissioner (DC) Budgam Tariq Hussain Ganaie told KNS that FIR has been logded into the incident and investigations taken up. He added, “Whosoever will be found responsible in the killing, will be positively taken to task”.

Jammu and Kashmir Police version:

Jammu and Kashmir police on Wednesday issued to statement to Wilayat Times  regarding the Budgam civilian killings the statement reads as, today at about 1020hrs, during joint Naka at Khalisa Kawoosa in the jurisdiction of PS Magam a Wagon-R vehicle bearing registration No. JK02AK-6702 was signalled to stop. However, the said vehicle ignored to stop and fled away from two Naka points in suspicious condition.

The Naka party opened fire at the vehicle to thwart the attempt. The driver of the vehicle got injured in the incident and has been identified as Mehraj ud din Peer son of Ghulam Nabi Peer resident of Makhama Beerwah Budgam.

The injured was shifted to hospital for medical treatment, however he succumbed to his injuries. Police has registered a case and started investigation in to the matter, police said in a statement

The death was widely condemned by the leaders of political parties of Jammu and Kashmir.

CRPF spokesman in Srinagar Pankaj Singh confirmed to KNO, the incident stating that the man jumped two nakas after which CRPF men opened fire at the person. “We are ascertaining further details,” he said.

Ex-CM Omar Abdullah

Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and National Conference (NC) Vice President Omar Abdullah on Wednesday demanded an impartial probe into the killing of a civilian in central Kashmir’s Budgam district.

Omar tweeted, “Very unfortunate. The circumstances surrounding this shooting need to be impartially investigated & findings made known. My condolences to the family of the deceased”.

Peoples Democratic Party

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on Wednesday termed the killing of a civilian by forces on Srinagar-Gulmarg highway as a cold-blooded murder and demanded stern action against those involved in such a heinous crime.

PDP spokesman in a statement has demanded time-bound inquiry into the incident, terming it a condemnable act that deserves exemplary punishment. He added that Delhi Police model of destruction and violence in Budgam is detestable and replication of Delhi police model. He added that incidents such as these are a refection of the fact that Kashmir is becoming a battlefield wherein the value of precious innocent lives is lost and forgotten.

Jammu and Kashmir People Conference

Jammu and Kashmir People Conference on Wednesday strong condemned the senseless act of killing 25-year-old Mehraj ud din Shah for allegedly jumping a check post.

In a Statement, JKPC spokesman said “We strongly condemn the killing of Mehraj din Shah, ostensibly shot at for jumping a check post. Jumping a checkpoint must not be a reason to kill and we must not normalize shooting of our youth for minor incidents like these This is an unjustified and unjustifiable act of violence & an irreparable loss for family of the deceased. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. May Allah give them patience & courage to bear the loss in this hour of grief. We also urge the government to probe the matter dispassionately and hold those responsible to account”, PC spokesperson Adnan Mir said in a statement.

Peoples Democratic Front

Chairman Peoples Democratic Front (PDF) Hakeeem Yaseen has expressed sorrow and shock over the broad day killing of a youth of Makhama Beerwa allegedly by security forces. He has demanded a thorough probe in this shocking incident to punish the culprits.

In a statement , Hakeem Yaseen while condemning the gruesome killing of a youth of Makhama Beerwa in central district Budgam , has demanded a thorough investigation in the incident so that culprits are brought to book. He said black sheep in the security forces need to be identified and punished severely to check heartwrenching bloodshed incidents of innocent people in future.

Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee

The Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) today strongly condemned the killing of a civilian on Srinagar Gulmarg Highway and demanded probe into the incident.

According to statement issued to Wilayat Times J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) has expressed anguish over the killing of Mehraj U Din Shah of Makhama Beerwah after the CRPF personnel opened fire leading to loss of a precious life and condemned the incident in strongest words.

The firing on deceased Mehraj U din shah should have been avoided, the loss of innocent lives has the potential to lead to the further alienation of the people. PCC said.

JKPCC demanded probe into the circumstances, which led to the killing of a civilian inorder to fix the responsibility, The loss of lives cannot be replaced by anything, Party said.

The Party has urged JK Govt to order probe into the unfortunate incident  of killing of young man and ensure justice to the bereaved family, PCC  added and conveyed deepest condolences to bereaved family