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Al-Saud are exporter, supporter and financer of terrorism in...

( Kashmir )

Srinagar:President All J&K Shia Association & State Minister for Youth Services and Sports Molvi Imran Raza Ansari has condemned in strong words the state murder of Sheikh Ayatollah Baqir Nimr al Nimr by “tyrant regime of Saud family, the exporter, supporter and financer of terrorism in world.” In a statement to Wilayat Times,Molvi Imran Ansari said that “Nimr’s only crime was peaceful protest against tyrant rule of Saudi family regime devoid of any respect for human rights. “This...

Saudi-backed militants fire shells at aid convoy in Yemen...


Sanna:Saudi-backed militants have fired shells at a humanitarian aid convoy in the southwestern Yemeni province of Ta’izz.
A civilian was injured during the attack, which occurred in the Dahi district of Ta’izz on Monday, Yemen’s al-Masirah news channel reported. The militants also blocked an aid convoy that was heading toward the Habil Salman district of the province. The report also said that Saudi-backed snipers have recently targeted a number of Yemeni civilians in Ta’izz, including...

Daesh executes 5 ‘British spies’ in Syria...


Damascus:The Daesh Takfiri group has released a new video purportedly showing execution of five “British spies” in Syria, with the terrorists calling Prime Minister David Cameron an “imbecile.” The 10-minute video, posted online, showed the five men in orange jumpsuits introducing themselves in Arabic and “confessing” to spying for the United Kingdom by filming and photographing sites in exchange for money within Syria’s northern city of al-Raqqah, the Takfiris’ de facto capital. After...

Saudi Arabia and Iran need to play leadership role for stabl...


Srinagar:Appealing Muslims throughout the world in general and those in Kashmir in particular not to fall prey to the designs of anti-Islamic forces who were trying to create sectarian strife and discord among the Muslims, Muttahida Majlis-e-Ulema chief and All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Chairman, Mirwaiz Dr. Moulvi Muhammad Umar Farooq Monday called for unity and brotherhood among Muslims for defeating divisive forces. Urging people to be cautious of the elements trying to stoke sectarian...

Very sorrowful that the whole Muslim Ummah is divided:Syed A...


Srinagar:Commenting over execution of top Shia cleric Sheikh Bakir Al-Nimr in Saudi Arabia and situation thereafter,Chairman All Parties Hurriyat Conference Syed Ali Geelani said that it is very sorrowful that the whole Muslim Ummah is divided and engaged within and the imperialistic powers and Zionist lobbies are not only taking advantage of this situations but they are making every attempt to inflame this fire so that the Muslims get eliminated within. While strongly condemning...

Ayatollah Khamenei: Divine vengeance will befall Saudis...


Tehran:Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, at the start of his course to clerics at the post-jurisprudence level on Sunday morning, strongly condemned Saudi Arabia’s major crime in martyring the pious and innocent scholar, Sheikh Nimr Baqir al-Nimr. Underscoring the necessity for the international community to feel responsibility vis-à-vis this crime and similar crimes committed by the Saudi regime in Yemen and Bahrain, Ayatollah Khamenei noted: “Doubtlessly,...

Saudi Arabia cuts ties with Iran after al-Nimr execution...


Riyadh:Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir announced on Sunday that Riyadh severed its diplomatic relations with Tehran one day after the government and people of Iran protested to execution of dissident cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. A weary-looking al-Jubeir whose country is entangled with its prolonged aggression on neighboring Yemen and futile support to the extremist terrorists in Syria and Iraq amid the 11-year-low plummeting prices of the kingdom’s lifline crude oil, told reporters in...

Nimr execution won’t be taken lightly:Syed Hassan Nasr...


Beirut:Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of the Lebanese Islamic Resistance movement Hezbollah, says the execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr by the Al Saud regime will not be taken lightly. During a televised address on Sunday, Nasrallah said criticism is forbidden Saudi Arabia, adding that the country is no place for any cleric of any sect casting the kingdom’s policies into question. Elaborating on Riyadh’s way of treating criticism, however, the Hezbollah...

Iranian Sunni clerics denounce Sheikh Nimr execution...


Tehran:Sunni clerics in the Iranian Province of Western Azerbaijan denounced the recent execution of Shia cleric in Saudi Arabia saying that the move has revealed the heinous nature of Al Saud.   Mamusta Mostafa Mahmoudi, Friday prayer leader of Piranshahr, in an interview with Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) called Saudi Arabia as the hub of oppression and that was the reason for uprising of Sheikh Nimr, reported Wilayat Times He added,” Saudi Arabia found the Shia cleric as a great threat...

Riyadh using execution to settle political scores: Amnesty...


Geneva:Human rights group Amnesty International says Saudi Arabia’s execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr shows Riyadh is using death penalty to “settle political scores.” The London-based rights group made the remarks on Saturday, following the execution of Sheikh Nimr and 46 others, including Shia activists and Sunnis accused of being involved in al-Qaeda-linked attacks. “What the Saudi Arabian authorities have said so far indicates they regard these executions as taken...