New Delhi: Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Wednesday said that Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) must be implemented in letter and spirit across the country and said Muslims have 150 countries where they can go, but “for Hindus there is only one country – Bharat”.
Wilayat Times reports that JKNS monitoring says, leading a rally in support of CAA at Ahmedabad’s Sabarmati Ashram, Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani said while Muslims have 150 countries where they can go to, “for Hindus there is only one country – Bharat”.
The BJP took out 62 mass rallies in a day in different cities of Gujarat in support of the new citizenship law. While Rupani led a rally in Ahmedabad, Deputy CM Nitin Patel led one in Mehsana among many such pro-CAA marches.
Addressing the crowd, Rupani said, “Muslims in India were happy and their population rose from 9 percent to 14 percent because of the secular constitution they live a dignified life in India”.
He said the percentage of Hindus in neighboring country Pakistan reduced from 22 percent to 3 percent because “they are tortured, raped, their properties are destroyed. They returned to India long ago, but they can’t avail of benefits because they are not (Indian) citizens. In Bangladesh, Hindus constitute just 2 percent of the entire population, while in Afghanistan, the number of Hindus and Sikhs are around 500, down from over 2 lakh earlier”.
BJP leader said, “Muslims have 150 countries where they can live, but for Hindus there is only one country, and that is Bharat”.
Blaming opposition parties for protests against the CAA, the Gujarat CM said, “The Congress and its allies are creating unrest in the country by misleading people, rioting and destroying public property”.