
Ayatollah Sayyid Jalali:A Bastion of Knowledge and Piety...

( Jammu and Kashmir )

Sayyid al-Jalali hailed from the esteemed Jalālī family in Kashmir. The first member of this family to settle in Kashmir was Sayyid Mirza Ḥusain Sabzevari, who migrated from the prominent city of Sabzevar in Iran. He was a renowned scholar and poet, playing a crucial role in advancing Shi’ah Islam in the region. Following his death in 1098 A.H., he was interred in his residence on Gupkar Road, Srinagar. It is likely that Nawab Ibrahim Khan, who served multiple terms as the Mughal administrator...

“The Growing Trend of Delayed Marriages in Kashmir:Cau...

Mashkoor Ahmad Lone 

( Jammu and Kashmir )

Delayed marriages in Kashmir are a growing concern, driven by extravagant customs, financial burdens, and societal expectations. These delays have negative consequences for individuals and society, leading to social and psychological issues. Islam provides a clear and practical solution by encouraging simple and timely marriages. To resolve this problem, society must return to Islamic values, eliminate unnecessary customs, and focus on the true essence of marriage—companionship, love, and moral...

Modernity, Technology and the Evolving Society...

Abid Hussain Rather

( Jammu and Kashmir )

A society that wants to accompany humanity on the journey of civilization must accept the progress made thus far and join it. It can not proceed on its own terms but must follow material advancement as a learner. In this journey, modernity and technology support each other and cannot be separated. However, there is a gap in this civilizational journey—one that is spiritual and moral. By Abid Hussain Rather Modernity is both a philosophy of life and a way of living. Technology...

Restoring Faith in Humanity: A Call for Responsibility...

Shafqat Hamid Kakroo

( Jammu and Kashmir )

Parents must nurture discipline and accountability in their children, teaching them that integrity matters more than material success. Teachers, too, should go beyond academics, ensuring students learn ethics alongside their subjects. Schools should produce responsible citizens, not just degree holders. By Shafqat Hamid Kakroo Trust is the foundation of every profession. A patient entrusts their life to a doctor, just as a student relies on a teacher. But when responsibility and...

Mobile Addiction:A Silent Epidemic Threatening Our Future...

Shafqat Kakroo:

( Jammu and Kashmir )

As a teacher, columnist, and concerned citizen, I urge parents, educators, and policymakers to come together in this battle to protect our children’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being. We must limit screen time, encourage real-world interactions, and raise a generation that values knowledge, creativity, and meaningful human connections over mindless digital consumption. Let’s break free from mobile addiction and build a healthier, brighter tomorrow. By Shafqat Kakroo: In...

“The Revolutions that Failed:Analyzing the Aftermath of th...

Danish Alam Pathan:

( Syria )

“The experiences of Libya, Egypt, Yemen, and Syria reveal the harsh truth that regime change alone does not guarantee peace, stability, or democracy. Without addressing the root causes of discontent and ensuring inclusive governance, revolutions risk becoming mere power shifts. As George Bernard Shaw aptly remarked, ‘Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny; they have only shifted it to another shoulder.’ The burden, unfortunately, continues to weigh heavily on the people of these...

Modern Housing Architecture and Chilly Winters in Kashmir...

Abid Hussain Rather

( Jammu and Kashmir )

A house or shelter is one of the basic needs of human beings; providing safety, security, and a space for personal and communal life. It serves as a refuge from environmental elements like heat, cold, rain, and natural disasters, ensuring physical protection and comfort. Beyond its practical purpose of protecting against natural elements, it serves as a foundation for emotional and social well being. By Abid Hussain Rather A house or shelter is one of the basic needs of human beings;...

Challenges of Social Workers:Navigating an Identity Crisis a...

Imran Maqbool Wani

( Jammu and Kashmir )

By Imran Maqbool Wani To assist someone who undergoes social hardship is not just a job; it is a pledge to support the weakest sections of society. Nonetheless, social workers in the world of today, which is changing rapidly with time find themselves caught amidst multiple challenges and prospects that impact their effectiveness, including ethical decisions, structural constraints, and the quest to uphold the dignity of humanity, and the values of compassion, fairness, and advocacy. Social work,...

Sheep Mentality; The Kashmir Paradox...

Mahfooz Ahmad Bakshi

( Jammu and Kashmir )

I don’t understand why the people of Kashmir, despite being the smartest, act like a herd of sheep. If one person starts doing something out of passion or compulsion, and others notice him earning well enough, then kaboom! Everybody starts jumping into the same field, even without any need or knowledge. By Mahfooz Ahmad Bakshi I don’t understand why the people of Kashmir, despite being the smartest, act like a herd of sheep. If one person starts doing something out of...

Parachinar , Where Blood Flows While the World Dreams of Pro...

Aga Syed Amin Musvi

( Pakistan )

There is a place in Pakistan, perched on the edge of the map and the edge of humanity’s conscience, called Parachinar. Here, in the mountains of Kurram, 42 Shia Muslims were ambushed and slaughtered last week as they travelled under the illusion of state protection. Among the dead were seven women and a nine-year-old girl. Their crime? Belonging to a minority in a country that treats them as disposable. Aga Syed Amin Musvi There is a place in Pakistan, perched on the edge of the...