Kashmir Crisis-Abrogation of Article 370 & 35-A

wilayattimes (Jammu and Kashmir)

Voltaire has well said, “It is dangerous to be right in matters about which the established authorities are wrong.” So when the established authorities does wrong when power corrupts them to go for filth’s gains for scoring political points and it has been well said by , Lord Acton , “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely .”

By Sarfaraz Amin:

Since August 2019 clampdown, curfew on economy and markets has added to the sufferings and ordeals, the economy of Kashmir is badly hit, every sector of Kashmir has been damaged and this disaster to our Kashmir economy not only hit the Kashmir people in general but even pushed whole Kashmir to backwardness and underdevelopment.


Voltaire has well said, “It is dangerous to be right in matters about which the established authorities are wrong.” So when the established authorities does wrong when power corrupts them to go for filths gains for scoring political points and it has been well said by , Lord Acton , “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely .” And when power is not ruled by law it becomes a menace and can bring any sort of disaster like it can undermine the constitutional structures , state institutions and can put aside all the rules and regulations aside while putting himself above the law and law will be the his whims and fancies so, when the institutions get corrupted while yielding power and authority, than question arises that whom you will make accountable when they brought disaster to a country, its people and its constituent units like Kashmir , the Kashmir known as paradise on this planet earth now is an open sky prison and has now turned into mourning land due to the continuous turmoil and disasters brought by Indian political institutions from time to time , they never let Kashmiri people to have peace but always inflicted pain on us with deliberate intentions in the name integrity and sovereignty of the country and its pseudo nationalism . The country calming world’s largest democracy can’t know the way how to adjust and accommodate the diversity of its constituent units within its ambit of democracy.

Power sharing plays a vital and key role in federalism and in maintaining centre-state relationship in which people in general and other marginalized people along with minority sections didn’t feel alienated when they are ruled by majoritarianism , through power sharing the centre can accommodate many conflicts amicably and can adjust well all other political or cultural disputes along with ideological one through prudential manner and can avoid strife between the centre and state or between the major communities .Political disputes can’t be always solved through military might, canning and through the barrel of gun but in the long run it undermines the unity of the nation .

Myths that couldn’t work:- Since the annexation of Kashmir with India , Kashmir region hardly has witnessed any decade of peace and no one is responsible for it except Indian political institutions itself because they are the reason for every turmoil in Kashmir when they undermined and eroded the state autonomy and they developed such myths with regard to Kashmir that developed negative image among Kashmiris towards India and India at its utmost efforts possible justified the ways to rule over the Kashmir in a way of worst than step-mother attitude and unleashed the reign of terror over Kashmiri people .Indian political institution never addressed the Kashmir problem on humanitarian grounds but always look at Kashmir through the prism of fundamentalist angle which aggravated the Kashmir situations from bad to worse and gradually they started to erode the autonomy of state which lead to people get sense of alienation and frustration from such moves where the people of Kashmir thought that their security, peace of mind looks totally in despair conditions now and what was left to J&K state nothing except article 370 and its name –sake hallow constitution , and on August 5th 2019 ,the GOI issued a constitutional order superseding the 1954 order, and making all provisions of Indian constitutions applicable to Jammu and Kashmir, it was the hardest blow and disaster that finally every Kashmir witnessed and every child of Kashmir sensed that 12 million Kashmiris were taken as a hostage and were locked in “open sky prison”

The myths they talked that , there is no development in Kashmir , because of Art.370 and the cause of militancy is also Art.370 , there will be a peace, development and end of militancy in Kashmir after the Abrogation of 370, but none of their myth were proved logically till date in return the Kashmir witness more violence , more insurgency attacks and Indian government also organized state violence against Kashmiris to suppress their voices ,Kashmir is not a fundamentalist view of problem but rather the Kashmir conflict is a function of complex historical grievances with political and ethnic demands and they never tried to address the Kashmir issues in such a prisms.
Economic and political disaster:

Since 5th August of 2019 Kashmirir are locked, now any sane person can guess well , what kind trauma the people have in a certain or in a particular region where they are forcefully locked ,its leaders detained both political and separatists imprisoned and equally all its inhabitants who were taken as hostage who are not even allowed to demonstrate and protest against a undesirable and unwanted change that was brought against their political will .
According to the Kashmir Chamber of commerce and industries (KCCI) ,more than 4 lakh people have lost their jobs in Kashmir after August 5th . The economy has suffered a loss of 40,000 crores .

Economy of Kashmir has been always hit hard whenever unrest and unwanted situations and happenings visited the streets of Kashmir.

Since August 2019 clampdown, curfew on economy and markets has added to the sufferings and ordeals, the economy of Kashmir is badly hit, every sector of Kashmir has been damaged and this disaster to our Kashmir economy not only hit the Kashmir people in general but even pushed whole Kashmir to backwardness and underdevelopment.

In addition to it, the people of Kashmir were not only deprived of fundamental rights but they were also alienated from political participation willingly , that has created a political vacuum in Kashmir, although the dynastic parties often failed to provide any meaningful choice to the voters when it comes to regional politics of Kashmir , of which the undue advantage was constantly taken by centre that alienated the people of Kashmir politically as well .With regional political parties expressing anguish over the changing nature of territory has penetrated ambiguity both in electorates and political parties that has started to lead factions within mainstream parties over the questions raised after post-370 political fever that has created a political vacuum .All the important decisions unilaterally were taken by centre , with no political will of local populace and their representation , dictating its own terms and conditions over Kashmir has frustrated and alienated the people of Kashmir is now leading to a Kashmir towards a political disaster as well also.

Educational impact and psychological trauma:

The impact of Kashmir conflict on education can’t be overlooked, education sector is the worst hit during all the unrests, since the abrogation of 370 Kashmir valley has not opened the gates of schools, colleges and universities whether private or government and the people of Kashmir have been locked in homes as it seems that , the civilians were house arrested and they were not allowed to step out from their houses as there have been restrictions on movements of civilians. As reported by India spend , 207 working days were lost in 1991 ,112 in 2010 ,1130 in 2016 (accounting for nearly 60% of total working days ) and since 5th August 2019 almost about 200 days of clampdown and siege is in continuity with snapping and gag of internet.

Whenever there has been unrest in Kashmir , the education sector has been always soft targeted and the most irony is that the political institutions of India even didn’t care and bother about this , that can be observed through their behaviour towards Kashmir, even they know but still they have left no other alternative and choice for teachers to teach online while snapping the internet when even whole of the world is locked because of pandemic but still they continued the education of their children through internet and even Kashmir, despite turmoil caused by abrogation of 370 and pandemic we are not yet even to access the internet that you we can guess well the inhuman approach of Indian government towards the Kashmir.

The psychological trauma caused to Kashmir is no exception it has inflicted such a immense pain , agony and sufferings to Kashmir people long decades ago, loss of jobs , unemployment continuous unrest in Kashmir has pushed Kashmiri youths towards unwanted situations and the loss of dear ones , killings .violence , fake encounter , charging with black acts, false allegations, extra judicial killings has pushed youths for undesirable behaviour , the continuous clampdown has badly affected the mental health of people.


The Government of India needs to change its approaches and ways of dealing with Kashmiri people , because it is undeniable fact that India has developed so much intensive hate and aggressive attitude among Kashmiris that is so hard to deal their sentiments with oppressing and unleashing so much terror to suppress their voices , these ways will not work well , the country which has tried to address its issues with military might has witnessed downfall and failure and history stands testimony to it .Kashmir needs a healing touch not a political torture that India government opted for through the abrogation of 370, if India claims to be world’s largest democracy than it needs to adjust and accommodate diversity and security of its constituent units under the ambit of same democracy that it loudly claims.

Sarfaraz Amin is a Kashmiri political analyst contributing his analysis and opinion for Wilayat Times is currently pursuing research in political science in DBU –University.